Ag/C Composite Materials
The product combine characteristics of nano
silver and the advantages of other nano metal, such as
high catalysis activation and special optics nature,
combining the carbon material can apply its conductive
characteristic and relevant characteristic, able to
bear the high temperature, bearing ablating,
heat-resisting and chemical stability. It also can be
used for the fuel cell electrode, powder and paste are
available now.
Pd/C Composite Materials
The Pd is the excellent catalyze of
electrolytic and electroplated catalyst, the speed of
capturing the hydrogen of 0.5% nano Pd is fivefold
compared to the traditional Pd, compound with carbon
material could reach the good dispersion and save the
cost under filling a conductive situation. Also it can
be application for measuring and detecting sensor,
powder the paste is available now.
Au/C Composite Materials
Nano Au equips very highly catalysis
activation, apply to various kinds of chemical
reaction of catalysis, such as to transform CO1 to
CO2, carbon makes for carrier object except conductive
function and dispersion well, it could also achieve
the goal of saving the cost, using for the
microelectrode, powder and paste are available now.
Pt/C Composite Materials
Platinum is a metal catalyst, nano Pt could
increase react area turning into dark, carbon carrier
make its dispersiveness better, generally called the
carbon/Pt catalyst, quite save the consumption of
platinum, such a catalyst is used as every square of
one centimeter of 0.5 milligrams, can make it for the
fuel cell electrode, powder and paste are available
Ru/C Composite Powder
Ruthenium is a metal catalyst, nano Ru
increase area of reacting by a large margin, carbon
carrier makes dispersiveness better, the particle of
nano Ru is independent electrode, concentrate through
carbon carrier and carry the electric current out. The
compound powder of nano Ru and C is the electrode of
the fuel cell, powder and paste are available
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Tel: +886-2-2299-5218, Fax: +886-2-2290-1068, E-mail: top@ssnano.net |