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Hot News : Top Nano heat sink paste and thermal conductive pad
Posted by Anonymous on 2010/9/30 10:00:00 (7909 reads)

Thermal technology revolution!!

Nano composite heat sink paste

By the way of nano modification and dispersing technology, our product can promote the compatibility of heat conductive material and the matrix, makes the effective heat conductive material content to increase, promotes the heat conduction effect. In the meantime, to reduce the specific gravity of the paste, may increase the spreading area, reduce the production cost effectively.
If you are a consumer of the heat sink paste, we will definitely provide one with great qualities but without costly price.
If you are manufacturing the heat sink paste, you also should contact us soon enough before your competitors get ahead of you!

  Download Catalogue: Nano composite heat sink paste 

Nano composite thermal conductive pad

Our nano composite thermal conductive pad is made from our nano composite powder and silicone rubber. Thermal conductive pad DN-L00101 is designed to provide heat transfer path between heat generating components and cooling devices. Good thermal conductivity of 3.0 W/m.K, soft and compressibility, easy to assembly.

  Download Catalogue: Nano composite thermal conductive pad

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